Build an ntf application for ios using the "near blockchain" and smart contract for "polygon blockchain
I want an ios application for nft minting. The backend will use “near blockchain” to mint nft’s This is the following steps that need to be completed 1. Nft minting…
Contamos con un sitio basado en una plantilla de WordPress comprada hace un par de años, desde hace un par de meses hemos venido recibiendo ataques o inyecciones de spam…
Hi all, I would like to have translate the CPPI strategy learned in this course (link below) for BTC USDT to use on Binance throught other service that use webhook.…
I am looking to create an APP that will allow our company to create a detailed maintenance list that our technicians will follow and complete. We will need to generate…
I have an app in the google play store. I need to promote the app. The main purpose is to increase the download number. How many downloads I can get…
I need a VST plug-in for music Daw. I need something along the lines of the attached image. Don’t contact me if you don’t know what this is.
Automatically plan and schedule my jobs. It’s a logical thinking planning
Hi, We have a budgeting app and we want to make sample budgets. Let me know if you can assist us.
I want someone to give me good SEO for this video