Work from Home Opportunity I Need Video Editors for project that will require your full 30 days starting immediately. You’ll have a fixed salary of 15k INR. Requirements Daily reporting…
Hello need script installation in vps (in my pc through remote) as my client asked to handle in his laptop only.
I would like you to build a damage calculator for a game I’m playing. I wish to access it using a web browser, so it should be written in HTML/Javascript.…
2 questions, 500 words each, to be done in 12 hours.
The theme is Why do startups need HR? The article should talk about the current HR practices in many startups (where HR function is mainly handled by the founders or…
Work from Home Opportunity I Need Video Editors for project that will require your full 30 days starting immediately. You’ll have a fixed salary of 15k INR. Requirements Must be…
We are an web agency working on various web apps, sites, plateformes…etc Currently we are looking for Developer Mobile for our project this is our requirements : – REACT NATIVE…
We have a large fleet of pianos to maintain. The inventory is in a Google Sheet and we use a Form technicians fill to enter service items (tune, clean etc).…
Order and interpret results from for Brazilian CNPJ by Monday
hello any can setup a android earning app buy from codecanyon but its have issue in admin panel admin panel base on php