We need a full stack developer who’s willing to dedicate 30 hours per month for our SaaS working on releasing new features and fixing bugs. Experience with API integrations and…
due to high demands of questions our group looks for talented programmers to create a dating chat with payment system.
HelpDesk SaaS software files migration to subdomain and Wildcard sub-domain configuration
In order to create a sub-domain login link for clients to log in, we would like to configure the Wildcard sub-domain. In an effort to let the HelpDesk software work…
Aplikacja dla kilku typów użytkowników, w większej części gotowa. Potrzebne modyfikacje i nowa wersja do innych zastosowań. Oferta tylko dla polskich freelancerów, znających polski język i realia.
i need someone to develop a website with a backend database for storing data. No templates to be used. I f you can do the front first within the shortest…
i want development a project which hire peoples to get their jobs related to their location and desire. owner can upload the location of project its requirement for building and…
Hi I am looking for a web based chauffeur booking system has the following : automatic messages , You manage your jobs, from booking hires to invoicing, from the same,…
We need PHP developer to make few changes in our PHP project. We have License Key Management system in PHP. We want to change its UI and wanted some report…
Build us an investor registration platform that can be implemented on our website
tengo un sistema desarrollado en ambiente web, el cual tengo montado en algunos de mis clientes, y necesito desarrollarles módulos nuevos. Cuentas por Cobrar, Cuentas por Pagar, etc.