i want to design my game assets who can create best assets for me bid on the project
we are developing our API to communicate with our customers using our own account and our servers after we added mobile number xxxxxx unfortunately system give us the following message…
We have to flat the double curved surface and then find the principal stress and principal strain and its direction coming due to flattening, its simulation ( surface material should…
Develop a calculator website programmatically like https://calculator.webstoriesusa.com
It is a recycled polyester yarn manufacturing plant, made from 100% post consumer PET Bottles.
The system was previously built in react-native.. We are looking to re-develop our system in a native environment. Figma Design Dine-in Sample: https://www.figma.com/file/1aVV69UREP2vgcC5BowgqW/Freelancer-POS-Project?node-id=0%3A1 Video Walkthrough: https://warelycorp-my.sharepoint.com/personal/donovan_warelycorp_com/_layouts/15/stream.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fdonovan%5Fwarelycorp%5Fcom%2FDocuments%2FMicrosoft%20Teams%20Chat%20Files%2FScreen%5FRecording%5F20221008%2D011800%5FWarely%2Emp4&ct=1665163343215&or=Teams-HL&ga=1
I need some create a HOOK DLL C++. Details will be discussed through chat. Please bid only if you are able to communicate and screen share. I do not want…
we need a simple app that when logged in will show data via json api. The design is ready in FIgma and after login you will need to call the…
We are building a Defi application to help manage assets based on the Ethereum ecosystems. We invite you to be a part of our smart, professional, and result-oriented team. We…