We updated our fitness app and asked the dev to add IAP subscriptions. It’s been 8 weeks and still no good. We have an admin area (php) where price points…
Deseo crear una app que me ayude a juntar clientes con prestadores de servicio
I need a copy of my website in wordpress and I need it to be compatible with WP Bakery. The website in question is an eCommerce site and any prospective…
Project Description: The project aims to develop a facial recognition-based payment system that will enable customers to make payments for their purchases using their facial features. The system will use…
I need a woo commerce website designed and developed. There are three nutritional supplement products. These are unique and competitive to what is current being offered. Pages: Main/Home, About, FAQ,…
We updated our fitness app and asked the dev to add IAP subscriptions. It’s been 8 weeks and still no good. We have an admin area (php) where price points…
I’m looking for someone to help me with a project involving option chain and its greek analysis using python and excel. Specifically, I’m interested in someone who can develop Python…
create web base application of document management and flow related to real estate following link provides the mockup. need quotation and time. https://www.figma.com/proto/ErSIRXhtyEnBnUlbhTjGRY/Floway?page-id=49%3A231&node-id=153%3A4599&viewport=-35%2C103%2C0.02&scaling=scale-down-width&starting-point-node-id=153%3A4599
I’am searching for a gateway for Norway, I can pay good for it.
В админке мы должны иметь возможность играть с процентами ( несколько позиция допустим с 10 р до 150 там 100% со 151р до 500 80% наценки) что бы можно было…
Ho un problema di First Contentful Paint (FCP) sul sito wordpress con tema elementor che deve essere risolto
urgent reqirment to devlope auto otp and auto captcha and some userscript and apk aplication in perticlure website in all reqirement in telangana sand booking website