We currently have the following domain https://givingtreereiki.org/ We have tried to build our own site but have not been successful. We are interested in a basic website with similar functionality…
I’m seeking a fluent English speaking WordPress expert to provide me with comprehensive 1:1 training on the WordPress platform and specifically the GeneratePress theme. My goals are to enhance my…
I am looking for a developer to create a Klarna Payments integration for my merchant account. I am not sure if I have an existing payment gateway that needs to…
tengo una pagina web de traslados desarrollada en wordpress y quiero que los pedidos se facturen, por eso necesito conectar a mi facturador.
I am seeking a skilled WordPress website designer to create a website for my business. Features required: – Contact form to allow potential clients to get in touch with me…
I am looking for a skilled Square Space website developer to create a portfolio/personal website for me. I have a general idea of what I want for the design elements…
We are seeking a skilled WordPress/Webflow expert to join our team and assist with web design projects. The ideal candidate should have a strong background in developing and customizing websites…
Helloggggg I have specific requirements for this project. Skills and experience required: – Experience in web development – Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript – Knowledge of responsive design –…
E-commerce venda de produtos físicos, Servidor hostinger, plataforma de criação do site wordpress/woocommerce. Site em desenvolvimento, estou enfrentando alguns problemas erros de importação de produtos do meu fornecedor para a…
After several attempts, I am looking for a team that keeps what it promises. I need PHP and MYSQL experts. It’s about a rental plugin that needs to be expanded.…
web designing for a website for startup registrations services, compliance filing services, ITR filing, GST filing services etc. Customer will fill enquiry form and generate lead for us and we…
Hola, tenemos una tienda en Woocommerce y nos estamos cambiando a Shopify, por lo que necesitamos hacer una redirección 301 de todos los links para no perder posicionamiento orgánico y…