I want someone to edit my 5mins pitch presentation for a project I’ve been working on.
Hola! Busco una persona, el trabajo consiste en: – Subir archivo, imagenes a sitio web de forma facil – Llenar datos en sitio web . – Cambiar datos en sitio…
We are a trucking company and need a professional presentation for marketing purposes. Plus we have data we need turned into reports with graphs / chart / colorful, etc.
Build a 10 min training video demonstrating the JIRA tool. You can do a voice over power point or you can use a screen recorder.
Presentation – 10 slides Report – 5 slides Topics: Simple and multiple linear regression and correlation Poisson regression
I need to create powerpoint template which can be used by other. It must be buitiful and professional looking slides.
Creation of presentations, works in word, 3D modeling (Sketch Up, Tinkercad) + creation of small programs in python. / Создание презентаций, работ в word, 3Д моделирование (Sketch Up, Tinkercad) + создание небольших программ в python.
Могу создавать презентации, 3Д моделирование (Sketch Up, Tinkercad) + создание небольших программ в python на заказ. О цене можно догоговорится. / I can create presentations, 3D modeling (Sketch Up, Tinkercad)…
A simple presentation project using Prezi. I provided a structure in a word file.
Rainbow educare is the e-learning website from where students can buy the free or paid courses
You will be required to review and analyze COVID-19 Data for the state of Rhode Island. DATA SOURCES https://ri-department-of-health-covid-19-data-rihealth.hub.arcgis.com/ https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1c2QrNMz8pIbYEKzMJL7Uh2dtThOJa2j1sSMwiDo5Gz4/edit?usp=drivesdk Deliverable would be a 5 slide PowerPoint presentation that highlights…