I would like to build something like airbnb not only for rentals but also add more services to it. To be easy for me to add more and more services…
Need an android and iOS app with all media player modules and live streaming features. App should include social media features and many more. *Best UI required *Fastest in speed…
Needs to build a website + Android App + IOS App
Hi! We want to develop an app to learn languages. We’re in the early stages of this very profitable project and we’re looking for a Mobile App Developer. The app…
Having issue adding UDID for device testing with apppresser. Using bitrise and apppresser for builds. already followed these steps: https://docs.apppresser.com/article/643-add-new-ios-device
Необходима программа для автоматизированного опроса аудитории (дегустация) используя смартфоны Андроид с последующим формированием отчета и размещением его в системе отчетов, базы данных. Во вложенных файлах, приведена схема программы, в нашем…
Hey freelancers, I want a document scanning app for pdf and images. the adobe xd file and the template for the app are attached below please have a look at…
Looking for unity 2d developer for board game https://apps.apple.com/us/app/muhle-and-mills/id396607391
اريد انشاء تطبيق يعرض يعرض اعلانات ادسينس ويجمع نقاط لكي يحصل المستخدم على نقود حقيقية مثل جوجل بلاي او بايبال
I want to make an android iptv player to monetize it with admob (google) with my server xtream ui api. but that the application looks like a iptv player, and…
Simple embed YouTube videos and add pay button £30 for each task (£150 budget)