I need Java, Android Work at low budget from Pakistani freelancer. I need work for long term I need work , simple and easy coding
this project is about making 2 simulations which are the bank simulation and the car dealer simulations. both in statistics and in code. I’ve done the statistics for the first…
1) Read data from JDBC using Dataflow 2) Encrypt data using Google KMS and Tink 3) Write encrypted data to BigQuery 4) Decrypt data on BigQuery using AEAD DECRYPT functions.
Download OpenStreetmap: https://planet.openstreetmap.org/ Create a DLL which will be called from SQL 2016 using a local version of OpenStreetMap (https://www.openstreetmap.org/) and retrieve the Latitude and Longitude based of a given…
Need someone good expert in Business Applications Programming visual studio programing
Dear Freelancers, We would like to hire a team of very experienced, and skilled freelancer/agency to work on our project. in our project, we need to develop our website and…
Hi there, I am looking for a Spring Boot developer who can help me with KYC Verification (India) using Veri5 APIs. Only known people are supposed to apply…
We are looking for a developer skilled in Java technologies with 5-7 years of experience on contract (full-time) for 6 months. The selected candidate would have to work remotely with…
Seeking professional android phone gap developer to make changes an existing mobile app developed in phone gap.
hi, I am seeing issue on API gateway and some code i wrote to log. I need expert to help in troubleshooting it
Se debe crear un sistema contable, con modulos de compras, inventario, produccion, facturacion, etc.con tecnologias java, angular 8, server linux, ubuntu, etc.