Applying Knowledge Distillation for Instance Segmentation using Mask RCNN (Tensorflow and Keras)
Hello sir, I have a project related to instance segmentation. I have done Mask RCNN for the dental dataset ( panoramic x-ray images to segment the teeth). I have two…
Automatic sure b.e.t design, for 4-5 s.portb.oo.k max. Where the software looks for opportunities in the market and place the b.e.t automatically. Bookmaker setting where I can enable or disable.…
Tôi cần thuê làm phần mềm chatbot Facebook viết bằng python, sử dụng OpenAI (có documents link: Tính năng: 1. Nạp thông tin sản phẩm theo cấu trúc dữ…
data scraping tweets from twitter. tweet should be about the war in Ukraine and Russia. Next, you need to preprocess and clean this dataset. After that I want you to…
I am looking for someone who has expertise in using I will start with a couple of projects and if goes well then I will have around 5 more…
Hello I am looking for an automation python script that allows me to make my own account to follow desired groups and channels on Telegram. I have gone through Telegram…
Hello I am looking for an automation python script that allows me to make my own account to follow desired groups and channels on Telegram. I have gone through Telegram…
I need the Python web scraper needed for multiple jobs. Details will be discussed.
Execute the shell script that loads the CSV file into the hive table and reads that into other table. Create a wrapper for that and that should be illustrated in…
Create a Web Base App For Selling Car. We Have Use Dynamic Content With PostgreSQL Database. Also We Have Modify Django Admin Panel. We Have Use Oauth Login Base System.
I need help with work based on blockchain. If anyone interested the message me.
I need the web scraping coder for multiple jobs. Details will be shared.