We would need need someone who could edit and design some logos using simple colors ,styles and unique patterns.
I need a 3D C.A.D file of a candle mold designed of the skellig michael island where star wars was filmed.
Looking for virtual staging/renderings using existing photos of space (currently un-furnished). Living Rooms (2x), Dining Rooms (2x), Bedrooms (3x), Office (1x). Attached are photos of the spaces I need to…
This company has been marketing since 2014. We have been providing work to freelancers for a long time.Sometimes we need people.So again due to entering new big projects, some number…
ThIs task requires a coding script that will allow cars to enter a bridge without any issue, and then submit the CSP code into FDR model check to check the…
I need an expert to connect React Native App to iOS SmartWatch (app is already developed).
we have to give input images for that it should create a eigen face by using eigen values and eigen vectors and compare it with the given image matching or…
Trying to find sweatshirts fabric in all colors
Need a senior database expert to check and optimize my MySQL database. Php version 8.0.30 Ubuntu 22.04.1
Guten Tag, wir betreiben einen Onlineshop mit 25.000 Artikeln und wechseln derzeit die Warenwirtschaft von Filemaker auf JTL. Hierbei benötigen wir Unterstützung und suchen nach einem ExperteIn. Stundenlohn begrenzen wir…
El recurso encargado de este servicio, deberá tener un gran conocimiento en el diseño de estrategias de marketing digital personalizadas para empresas, para ayudarlas a alcanzar sus objetivos comerciales. Ha…
we need front end developer with java spring boot react full stack expertise.