Necesito una mejora en la velocidad de carga del carrito y la pagina de finalizar compra de ya que el sitio se queda esperando a veces. Ya tiene imágenes…
I want my personal portfolio website. It will be just like my Resume, but a website with some great looks and some good animations and stuff. Appealing to the eyes.
Website development in WordPress $30.00 – 250.00 USD BIDDING ENDS IN 6 DAYS, 23 HOURS Looking for website development for hosting movies . Let me Explain The Whole Concept. I…
WordPress form integrated to API via POST an receiving JSON response to show result message
I need a form on a wordpress site that send the form field to an external API and based on the response, to show a custom page with a message,…
Hey! I’m looking for a wordpress developer to create a WordPress Plugin/Theme with a setup wizard for elementor pre-built websits.