WEB responsive (tienda online automatizada con Base de Datos) +PWA: que pueda hacer presupuestos, solicitar servicios y pagos online + apartado de registro a WEBINAR y envío de CV.
Se busca del Freelancer que cree una WEB RESPONSIVE (SE ACEPTAN SUS SUGERENCIAS sobre con qué sistema crearla, como por ej. PrestaShop, DreamWeaver, HTML5, etc.), para que los que naveguen…
Hey people! I want to make a button that has only two options GR / EN and it will be my language switcher button from greek to english. Can someone…
hello I have a simple task for simple 2 fixes in my HTML page.. only share the details with an expert freelancer and I will not pay until we done…
I currently have a Multicraft Instance setup using net2ftp, and I need the Upload feature which Multicraft uses in net2ftp to be replaced with Dropzone.js
A website made with: Bootstrap, html5, javascript, php, jquery, nodejs, express, mysql
Necesito crear una web a medida la cual servirá para recabar datos y redactar informes. En la web, se podrán visualizar indicadores. Se podrá enviar notificaciones vía mail. Se crearán…
Precisamos desenvolver uma ferramenta de especificação de luminárias 2D semelhante a esse sistema: https://www.arkoslight.com/app/brightline Nele, o usuário, escolhe: -> comprimento de perfil de alumínio e cor do perfil (branco ou…
Desarrollar app para imprimir documentos desde teléfonos android en una impresora bluetooth, aplicación debe ser similar en la forma de funcionar a printer+ (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=es.rcti.printerplus&hl=es_CL&gl=US) tamaños deben ser 58mm – 80mm…
en veux dévloppé une aplication web pour cex service ” hosted ipbx” “vpn site to client ” “gestion des VPS “
We are looking for a good package of recommendations and a Tableau Dashboard for a Saas Company.
We have several Flash interactive animations and we want to change them to Animate and publish them as HTML5 with javascript. All the events and programming works but in flash…