hi i want a site , where chef/user upload some food which they made. ( reciepy , time ) other chef / user vote it more highest voted user get…
There is an application state management problem. The application state, representing which city the user selected, is being stored in several places: the local Storage cache, javas script, and the…
We are a startup and we want to introduce new, innovative product on the market. We need a e-commerce web solution preferably based on one of the existing e-commerce platforms.…
Seeking hardworking people for these job we have flexible work hour You can decide to work full time or per time for the job….different job positions available this is strictly…
Looking for a codeigniter developer who is confident and can write really clean code The level will be measured before starting the project Max budget 50 usd
I have an existing WordPress training website with LearnDash LMS plugin to run quizzes and tests. It has Stripe payment gateway integrated already but the site was offered free for…
Looking for someone to set up my Email blasting server(manual setup) so that i can send bulk emails myself directly.
Necesitamos conectar nuestro software GenomaX (http://app.genomax.co/his/index.php?nxsdb=_demo) al API de SIIGO (https://siigonube.siigo.com/) para exportar facturas, notas credito, clientes y productos. Todas las instrucciones están documentadas en https://developer.siigo.com/. La integración en lenguaje…
Looking for someone to finish up my website in the world press. Its website for an escort agency The site is almost done just needs minor changes and to add…
E-sports team looking for a web designers, back end, front end, who can help them in Web based project presentation. The whole material about the project and Logo design propositions…
Necesito un sitio web al estilo de Ebay y Mercado libre, con su propia app para andriod y IOs, que los usuarios puedan subir productos y crear propias tiendas dentro…
I need someone to build a website tailored for the healthcare staffing industry. I have obtained the name of the website.