I am looking to build web hosting reseller website. Please find attached a detailed project description. Please read through the project before giving your quote. If you still have any…
Somos una empresa de implementacion de software, estamos instalando Odoo12 community a empresas pyme, tenemos la necesidad del modulo de conciliacion bancaria reporte, el reporte debe ir desde el saldo…
I need a new website. I need you to design and build it. The website needs to support a beta version of a simple fantasy sport game I’ve created. I…
Hello I am finding junior JS developer to work in my project. I need someone that knows VPAID tag. I have one working with VAST tag and I can add…
I need a new website for crypto exchange. I already have a design I like, I just need you to make it work. User can buy and sell cryptocurrency 2fa…
Big project, must have experience with PHP backend too. You need to create and select multiple grids on the map, send to the server to verify if the block is…
Estoy trabajando en un Directorio Online, ya tengo una plantilla y una página montada pero tengo algunas dudas sobre el funcionamiento y preguntas técnicas en general. Estamos buscando alguien que…
Desarrollo de app y web para escuchar música en streaming y/ó comprar tracks de los musicos
Queremos una plataforma que tenga versión en app y en web responsive. Es una servicio de musica streaming que el usuario por una subscripción tiene acceso a escuchar todo el…
Hey guys, i need the Shopify Prestige (Vogue) Theme (newer than 4.1). So the guy with the cheapest bid win. Thanks in advance
I need to realize a wordpress plugin for wordpress site that have to calculate: monthly amount in Euro if i insert amount, duration in year of pre-amortizazion and amortization Have…