hola necesito alguien con experiencia bastante en css y php para solucionar errores visuales de pagina wordpress
Premium phone Intuitive support website. Support worker profiles. Payment system. Therapy section Blogs Brand developement
I would like to add my own payment processing module in our android POS app. The POS is TELPO TPS900 So, I would be looking to process card chip &…
We have a auction software. Would like someone to maintain site, make improvements to the front end site and a laravel based back end.
Please read the requirement in the attachment. Please only bid if you understand the instructions. Tech: 1. NLP, python. 2. Front end: HTML, CSS 3. Back end: Python, Laravel, Django,…
I need someone to create a scrapping tool to donwload audio from a website
I need someone to work on my projects much speak and read in English
need to create a simple website for the sale of apartments in a new house an example of the appearance and simplicity of the site – https://www.ever.ru/#tekta sample site for…
We are looking for a Pterodactyl to perform some general server administration tasks and installation of addons.
looking to hire someone to work with after effect and a specialized plugin. you will be developing templates. dont bid unless you have over 4 years of experience with AE.
I want a website to sell digital business card + mini mobile website to my existing and new customers – Ref site is available.
I want a program SaaS that scans Reddit, google finance, yahoo finance, Webull, Etoro etc for certain phrases that I will provide you then I want it to return occurrences,…