Criação de vários aplicativos android em flutter para sistema de controlo de acessos e sistema de cashless por chip NFC. Integração em equipa, fultime, partime, por hora ou por objectivos.…
I am the attorney appointed by my parents as their litigation guardian, which appointment needs court approval, the opposite dispute my appointment since they claim that I have conflict of…
I want to hire an assistant for my e-commerce company
We are a nonprofit organization, we run an association that runs its own books and an incubator with employees that runs its book separately. We need our books audited for…
I am looking for a modern logo for our electrical contracting company. the name is “L.E.D” standing for “Lexicom Electric Division”. The slogan is “the brighter side of electric” Looking…
Hi I have woocommerce site . I am using layered image plugin and advance fields pro plugins. I need to show full base image on the layer image.
Hi I have woocommerce site . I am using layered image plugin and advance fields pro plugins. I need to show full base image on the layer image. Right now…
Require writing a statement for above scope of work for small company.
Busco un diseñador gráfico que pueda realizar logos y realice el interfaz CON FIGMA para una app móvil que será una red social, partiendo desde una idea.
Gostaria de fazer algo parecido com “Hi persy “, onde tenho uma recepcionista bilíngue atendendo Brasil/ eua . Preciso de todo suporte tecnológico, envio lista equipamentos, tecnologia .
Are you ready to take on a challenge and boost your productivity? Look no further! We have two exciting tasks for you to complete, and you have the opportunity to…
Looking for someone that is familiar with giving notes and editing audio and/or video content. This person would be listening or watching an interview and cut it down to make…
Make a 3 to 4 explainatory animation video for our website. I will provide the script content.