I’m looking for an experienced freelancer to build a Telegram bot for me. It needs to be programmed using Python, and be able to send notifications to users. Additionally, the…
Ich benötige eine Headergrafik für mein LinkedIn-Profil (https://www.linkedin.com/in/carsten-westmeier/). Der Header sollte einen inhaltlichen Bezug zu meinem Profil aufweisen, und ggf. mein Logo od. ein bzw. mehrere Fotos von mir enthalten.
I’m looking for an experienced academic researcher and writer to help me with a project in data analytics and artificial intelligence. The research will involve both quantitative and qualitative methods…
Project Description: We are seeking a reliable and detail-oriented logistics assistant based in the United States to receive packages, customize them with a specific message for each client, and handle…
I am looking for an experienced mobile app designer to create a visually appealing design with an illustrative element for just one screen of my mobile app. The design should…
For a Scrabble game application, I am looking for someone to optimize the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX), add themes, animations, dictionaries, and music.
I am looking to create an app that would enable my clients to authorize my web app to have access to their office 365 account – specifically Outlook and OneDrive…
I need some videos to teach lessons about good communication, for example, how to have difficult conversations with a spouse about not being able to make the budget and possibly…
I am proposing a project to investigate and analyze the cost-benefit of a potential new plant that will treat spent caustic material. The purpose of this proposal is to present…
I am preparing to upload an excel/csv file to my website vetbizpages.com I have an excel file that has information but I need someone to transfer it to another excel…