We need to switch our marketplace from Braintree/Stripe to Crypto
(Admin Panel) Resetup Databases, Resetups/Backups (Worker/Admin Accounts) -New and unread message on the top of the screen. with sounds -Automatically reassign chat to active workers (within 5 minutes max).statistic (Frontend…
I need a bot to interact with a pre-existing socket.io server. I require this bot to be able to listen to messages exchanged in the websocket connection, as well as…
Qué tal! Necesito una impresora virtual, los detalles se describen a continuación: 1. El usuario detalla la configuración SMTP de su correo electrónico 2. El usuario ingresa el correo electrónico…
Integrate new features in existing admin panel (Golang) 1/Automatically reassign chat to active workers (if a worker doesn’t answer in 5 minutes max) 2/Integrate sounds to incoming chat with statistique
I am seeking a golang developer. If you have a great experience in golang, you can bid.
Need to implement the following Chat feature: https://destiny.gg/embed/chat Open source code is available over at following repo: https://github.com/destinygg/chat https://github.com/destinygg/chat-gui https://github.com/destinygg/chat-bot Please only apply if you’re an expert at Go Lang.…
Hello Am looking to build a complex multi vendor platform looking to hire on a contact basis 2-3 months at 1000-1800AUD per month will keep the devs for maintenance for…
I need to convert a small project from Golang to C++ 11 only.Should be easy enough since Go is syntactically similar to C.