I want to make a app भाइयों और बहनो मुझे एक एप चाहिए जिसमे बस I want system of एप — 1 । जब यूजर कोई पोस्ट करे तो वो…
We require am Android mobile application that uses Google Fit to monitor physical activity of users, and promotes physical activity by having individuals and groups compete for virtual trophies and…
I would like to merge 2 apps together. Built with Java and Kotlin and android native.
I need sms spy app. In android phone. I attach video for demo app. I want same app for sms spy
Project on poweredge Server Understand the Desgin Data Model and Need to develop Spring boot 2x Resr API project Provide support until project completion Good understand of kubernets too
I want an app automation system, that capture notifications, read app data and send data to our server api. Only expart contact us
We are looking for a freelancer to modify the Openfire plugin “Callback on offline” plugin. https://www.igniterealtime.org/projects/openfire/plugins/1.2.1/callbackOnOffline/changelog.html 1) When a message sends do not “steal” the message from the user’s offline…
Want to build a stock portfolio management app, which calculates the profit/loss on daily basis and stores it in database. It should display a chart which shows comparison of profit/loss,…
We would like to engage with developers that have the knowledge and ability to build Centralized and Decentralized Blockchain Application. Also, the developer should be able to integrate blockchain Dapps…