We need someone expert in assembling and soldering the electronic components on PCB. We will provide them with PCB, electronic components and Schematic. They just need to solder it properly.
Hello All, I want to fix the issue on prestashop moodule it’s very tiny work So please only expert follow the project Thank you
I need some help with my business.
I have two logos that I have drawn by hand. I’m wanting someone to convert these to digital images for use on facebook, instagram, hoodies and vehicles. So they need…
Hi. I need help. I wrote an article. That has already been done. I received feedback from it. I just need it to be checked and improved based on feedback.
Metal duvar dekorları tasarlayacak ve bunları autocad programında cnc kesim makinelerine uygun bir şekilde çizecek daha önce tecrübesi olmuş birini arıyorum.
Back in the 1980s, programs used to be shared in magazines to be typed into the end-users computer. This project is to enter a long program into an emulator and…
I need you to make something similar to this video for us..we have invented and developed a next-generation material for battery. Reasonable offers will win, so be wise. Use the…
Ich würde gerne eine Shop App für mein Unternehmen einrichten, beidem meine Kunden in der App meine Produkte kaufen können. Mein Unternehmen bietet verschiedene Arten von Produkten an wie zb…