Need a project lead for website projects. This is a long term position.
I need a logo designed for fintech company with infographic video showing that the value for the fintech app…
Busco un profesional freelancer para posicionar mi empresa en las redes sociales y google a través de una estrategia de marketing digital que me permita obtener más clientes y ventas.
Hi, i have an Excel file, i would like to protect it in this way. When it load asks for a password If password1 (admin) is typed load the file…
Should have the experience of working on maintenance project in node.js. Long term position.
السلام عليكم مطلوب عمل تطبيق لحفظ ومراجعة القرآن… مشروع خيري تماما مجانى وبدون أي اعلانات مثل هذا التطبيق تماما المصحف الشريف للتحفيظ ولكن مع اضافة صفحة ورد للقراءة وتعديل…
I need a Hadoop Big-data expert for my current projects. If you have knowledge please bid.
I have a collection of poems I want to publish on Instagram – need someone to help me with layout, format + design. I bought a great set of design/artwork…
************** Make your BID the FINAL COST – NO CHANGES in the BID ***************** ** LOOK AT THE SITES to see how it will be done. will need frontend programming…
Chce przetlumaczyć szkolenie ktore trwa 8h z jezyka angielskiego na polski. Jest zamieszczone na stronie szkoleniowca w programie flowplayer. chciałbym dokładnie je przetłumaczyć na jezyk polski. Ewentualnie dodać napisy w…
I want to create a food blog that is more colorful and silly then most. I have a loge designed and a certain aesthetic in my mind and I would…
Gantt chart for the construction of a new factory building, single level about 2,500m2. Construction is concrete slab on ground, steel portal frame with metal roof and cladding. External entry/exit…