I need spatial measurements expert(survey engineering)
Need to process images that are stored in either png or jpg to pgm format in order to train a machine model
Ez a SpeakBoard magyar szövegfelolvasó program “portable” kivitelben működött XP SP2 és Win7 operációs rendszeren. Valami miatt azonban a frissen installált Win7-en sem indul el többé. Felvillan a statusbar-ban de…
I am looking for someone who has a strong expertise in simulating in Aspen Hysys V10, the task includes simulation of a steam reformer and methanol loop
Scammers are being searched for, attached are their photos and then their profiles. I pay for them, who of information. https://www.freelancer.es/u/vladmix121 https://www.freelancer.es/u/makarmatsexa130 excellent pay for your home location.
Looking for someone who has CRT TV IF circuit design and testing experience, I need an TV IF section circuit design.
I would design this paper by using Matlab and find the same result of improvement: 1-implementation of distributed generation using solar energy resource to improve security of supply in network.…
I am looking for Matlab experts who can work in different fields of electrical engineering.
I’m needing to hire a degree qualified electrical engineer for a task