Looking for experts in the field of -Analog electronics -Signal processing -Digital signal processing -Control theory -Microwave theory -Communication systems -AM/FM modulations -BJT, FET transistors -Electromagnetics
i just need the sd card initialization code to interface with pic16f877a couple of code lines thats it
We are looking for talented arduino esp32 developer who have worked with various sensors like PIR Microwave radar DHT22 LCD 16×2 Pulse sensor Ultrasonic sensor and the following modules sim800l…
I’m facing some mini issues with following project: https://www.instructables.com/XY-Plotter-Drawing-Robot-Arduino-Polargraph/ I need quick support by installing all related libraries correctly and run it.
have a 63″ wide drum sander with a table that needs precise speeds. want to run table in one direction for about 120″ pause and reverse. need to be able…
cerco qualcuno che sappia interfacciare il nextion con l esp32 e che sappia quindi crearmi una grafica di visualizzazione dei dati ricevuti dai sensori e poi serve la creazione delle…
Hello, I am looking to incorporate JSN-SR04T waterproof ultrasonic sensor PCB (only the board, not the sensor, as shown in attached PDF) on our existing 4 layer PCB Board. We…
I need someone put up in Chennai to develop my project within a week time. Project details are need to count the people based on the sense, and display the…
Xilinx FPGA-based implementation of the parameterized delay line with good resolution, say in steps of 10ps and good delay range say 512 steps and with minimum FPGA resources say less…
Im looking for someone who is able to read the Slave Address of ic’s on a RFFE Bus..
We install panic rooms, hidden doors, etc. We currently utilize a battery backup system feeding a 12v DC MagLock Circuit, and a 24v DC Circuit for the electric strike. We…
I am looking for a wiring diagram for a small and simple juice press machine. There are only 03 electrically operated parts. 1. 12VDC Actuator 2. Motor 3. Safety interlock…