Hi all, i am looking for java springs boot microservice developer having 6+ years of experience in micro services api development. so he shold be quick to learn new technologies.…
i have a script in nodejs working with restapi call, axios, asyc-await, promise. But it cant run smoothly if error happens like 400- 500 server errors when posting some orders.…
Busco un logo bastante simple, que tenga relación con el sonido. Tengo ya una idea que encontre en internet pero como tiene derechos de autor prefiero evitar problemas, solo seria…
I am looking for an eBook writer to write a couple of eBooks. Please submit your proposal with your charges per 10,000 words?
I need someone to write a code to interface a PIC16f877a with an SD card in order to save 10 words in it so we can read from it and…
500 word rewrite pitch deck for a window company. The content will be provided on being hired for this project. I want this completed on a budget of $6-$8 and…
Hi In our marketplace startup, we need a new and better UX design to increase sales. Description: – UX on Pages: product, home, product list, checkout, cart, menu, account, banner…
I need to increase the look, feel and results of my website content (butlerandland.com). Looking for a strong on-line marketing and website content builder in the industrial automation space.
I need someone to write a code to interface the SD card with pic16f877a using proteous and MikroC. The code saves 10 words and its meanings in the SD card
Hi, I have here a 3D perspective of a roof. I just also hired a freelancer to create it but sadly he does not create a “truss detail”. I will…
Busco colaboradores que quieran formar parte de un gran proyecto con comisiones residuales mensuales/semanales. El colaborador se encargara de captar clientes interesados en inversiones en forex mediante el sistema de…