Need to make small amendment which will take maximum 5 to 10 minutes. I will give the instructions that how will you do it. Need to be done ASAP.
Per un progetto che tratta di un gdr, si richiede la collaborazione di un utente in grado di utilizzare la piattaforma Mediawiki (quindi linguaggio markup WIKI), al fine di inserire…
I need 2 or more freelancers for ongoing Wikipedia projects. Currently, I have to projects – one for Wikipedia page updates and another one for Wikipedia Page Creation (not related…
Preciso de alguém para editar um artigo na Wikipedia que trata de mim
Wikipedia creator for nonprofit organization needed to create page and include article and pictures in submission.
I run a code tutorial wiki that is run without ads without charge. We had a developer that was working with us that no longer has the time to…
I am looking for someone experience in Wikipedia publishing… I would like to publish 2 pages, according to their guidelines…