Hola, estoy construyendo una tienda online (Dropshipping), ya tengo host y dominio, plugin Alidropship pero quiero ayuda para configurar la pasarela de pagos y posicionar la pagina con alguna estrategia…
Need support for GCP. Need a person who knows how to migrate from AWS to GCP as soon as possible. Thank you.
Ich suche jemanden der ein kleines Programm coden kann welches in Jabber / XMPP Leute vollspammt. Hier ist ein Beispiel mit Phyton https://github.com/digicyc/SpamJab es sollte eigentlich ziemlich schnell gehen. Es…
For marketing purposes I need to collect a database of names and emails in excel file. I will provide an account where you need to collect it.
I am using a cloud broadcasting company for internet radio station. Right now I am having to use a wordpress plugin to allow voting on songs and the built in…
We are looking for an expert level Blockchain developer. Must have experience with solidity 2+ years. Must be familiar with Uniswap, ETH2.0 stacking contract.. Must be available for full time…
I am thinking along the line of the Mario game where the man is jumping around. So you could use any background to show the poker type chip jumping around…
I am starting a new company and I need to attract customers with a strong social media presence including. I need social media adds that will be eye catching and…
Hi there, I need someone who can correct all my errors to let my website loading fast. and improve my score in Google pagespeed insights. Best regards
So I’m going to start my Chanel off by taking them on a journey with me get a Brazilian butt lift surgery tell the prices tell them what they need…
Just installed a theme on the WordPress site and need someone to help me redesign or customize the colours of the site or theme. This includes but not limited to…