Implement Deepfm with Bayesian Optimization for CTR prediction
Telegram Bot is able to read server seed from mine game to report back where false mines are located. The script needs to take seed from the and…
FFMPEG Experts Only Need FFFMPEG Command For Slideshow from image using start and end time
Hello FFMPEG Experts, Need Command For Slideshow from image using start and end time Let me know
I am looking for an experienced Artificial Intelligence Programmer to help me build a web-based application. The primary purpose of this platform is to enable automated processes. The ideal candidate…
As an experienced data scientist, I am looking for a project that involves exploring data sets and uncovering insights through analysis. My focus will be on utilizing Python to explore…
teach me from zero till end (I never used AWS) how to do : use python running remotely on AWS Linux BUT plot showed locally on locally running visual studio…
teach me from zero till end (I never used AWS) how to use AWS UBUNTU remote desktop : use python running remotely on AWS plot showed for x= [1,2,3] y…
Me gustaría saber si se puede transferir miembros de un grupo libre en Telegram al mío en grandes cantidades.
We are looking for a highly skilled multimedia processing expert with experience in using the ffmpeg library to join our team. The ideal candidate should have a deep understanding of…
El proyecto trata de poder leer los datos internos de la Raspberry, ejecutando la librería PSUTIL en Python. Actualmente ya leo datos de la Raspberry mediante una conexión de SSH…
My request is to find a freelancer who has expertise with the LinkedIn Community Management API. I do not have a specific task but rather require guidance and support in…
I’m looking for a skilled freelancer to help build an ecommerce website for grocery selling. The chosen freelancer must have experience and knowledge in developing web platforms for ecommerce purposes.…