Hi Mohamed S., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.
Any ELectrical engineer who has expertise in control system and MATHCAD.
generar un articulo de ejemplo donde se muestre las formas de controles en lógica difusa vs PID.
hello i need help with electromagnetics research paper, Pease let me know if you can help
Necesito diseñar una aplicacion de reconocimiento facial para controlar un acceso y activar una salida de un arduino. Prerentemente en React Native.
Hello, I want an expert to solve some tasks. Please i want only expert on modern communication. on the attachment the material for any deal please contatct me. Best Regards
i need an electrical engineer to ask him about some questions in colleage subjects like optical fibers systems and i have a question in auto cad
hello, I need help with MIPS assembly language, please let me know if you can help. thanks
Electronics and programming. Looking for someone expert in IAR program. Regards,
Stepper Motor Project: Real Time Control, Multiple Interrupts, Finite State Machine, PWM, UART Communication. Skills Required $100. C program in code composer studio.