I represent an upstart company who is in need of Freelancers who would be able to accurately duplicate documents that are in the form of pictures and submit them in…
necesito crear una apps para IOS y android para un restaurante similar al siguiente link https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMex2HGtF/
Looking for someone that is familiar with AI/ML/DL and understands Natural Language Processing to extract meaningful information from text. The ideal individual must know python. Looking to create a site…
Current campground…needs to be remodeled. we are buying the 50 acreas. our plan is to upgrade the campground, add a farmers Exchange store, Build a few cabins. plan to have…
I want a cloud formation template that will create a workspace on a vpc with 4 users, so I need the vpc configuration, the workspace configuration in the template
I am building a shopify website selling automotive parts and would like to add a customer gallery page. Id really like a grid outlay with a carousel when the viewer…
i have a simple dance move that I need a KOREAN actor (or just KOREAN male) to shoot on green screen in home studio or (if you’re a production /…
Can someone do a calligraphy and add file will provided Info and opportunity for does that are new.
Estamos interesados en crear una app para iOS y Android, donde los usuarios puedan acceder por Facebook, y tengan una base de datos de archivos que nosotros como administradores podamos…
Join our team and establish yourselves as a “Trusted Advisor”/”Customer Advocate” by selling noteworthy and innovative cybersecurity technology. We are a Value Added Reseller (VAR) of the most advanced Cyber…
I need to add a Member Promotion page on our existing WordPress website which uses Elementor page builder. Functionalities: 1. About 4-6 images per row, 3-4 rows per page (sample…