Termination laws The story will be sent upon agreement What is required: to find all the violation points that the university committed against the student According to university policy According…
I would like to change a C# ecommerce application checkout. You should be familiar with C# .NET Core and Javascript/Jquery. and install mongoDB to run the app on your machine.…
I am a PhD writer with 5 years of experience. I have worked on several similar projects compiling presentation slides and lecture notes into a single set of notes, and…
Hello here, I need a competent developer (preferably a team) of developers who can build a standard payment Mobile app. interested developers should message me with their professional social media…
Hello, I need to apply new optimization algorithm (new operators )on NSGA-II, instead of crossover and Mutation. I will give you the new algorithm with the new operators.
This is for an iGaming space and I require a writer with a solid understanding of the business. When you message, please send a quote for 2,000 words and a…
I have a 120 page board bylaws document that needs to be retyped in Microsoft word.
Men stack developer to work on trading app. Start your bid with what is your understanding of binary options trading system.
Hello there, Project work will be given to developers who are knowledgeable about IPTV and can produce mobile applications. The application will be similar to STB EMU. The design will…
i have problems with getting my contract varification on bscscan canu help me out . and is also want to let my contract checked .
I have a 120 page board bylaws document that needs to be retyped in Microsoft word.
Bir cloud mining uygulaması yaptırılacak ve bu uygulama kod yazılmadan admin panelden yönetilecek Mantık şu kullanıcı kazım yapacak ama telefonundan herhangi bir güç tüketimi olmayacak sanal bir kazım kazım başladığında…