This article’s title will be provided via chat. The primary keyword will be provided via chat. The secondary keywords will be provided via chat. Please place your bid for 5…
I need 2012 windows installed on my linux server, I also have cPanel installed and do not want it to interfere with it or any of my other stuff.
I want you to replicate the file and photoshop bride and groom photo in the cartoon.
Need help with completing an RFM analysis in R. Need to run a linear and logistic analysis with predictions. As well as help with creating cumulative lift charts. Here is…
I built this guide because I could never quite wrap my head around Makefiles.
This project is a graduate level electrical engineering/physics project. The task is to simulate electromagnetic model in imaging system using Matlab. Experts in Matlab and have solid knowledge in electromagnetics…
See the attached mockups. Please use a platform that supports iOS, Android, and Web (Kiwi looks pretty good) The code will need to pass our clean-code review (minimal use of…
Reportagens bizarras, casos inusitados, assuntos polêmicos do momento. Uma pagina no maximo
Projede Kullanılanlar ve Mikrodenetleyiciye Bağlı Pinler: 1 Adet stm32f446re mikrodenetleyici 1 Adet L298N MOTOR SÜRÜCÜ- timer3 e bağlı 0 PA6 / 1 PA7 MOTOR SÜRÜCÜ pwm sinyali için 4 pin…
Need someone or preferably a team to add products to a WooCommerce website. Product data must be pulled by hand from multiple websites and imported into my website using excel…
Build a scooter website template based on existing template using Adobe XD. Other screen will be asked before we start the project Tools : Adobe XD/FIGMA + Adobe Illustrator