Need a turbo replaced In my jetta but it doesn’t run as the seal is gone .I will supply the turbo if someone could give me a reasonable price that…
Native USA or Spanish (Colombia preferred) speaking Englsh Teacher needed, with background in small business
My wife is looking for a teacher of English with a business and/or marketing background. She currently can communicate with every day English, I think a level B1. She has…
estoy buscando alguien que me ayude a rediseñar mi pagina web pero que me enseñe paso a paso. Esta en word press con unas plantillas en baker builder que se…
I got the following comments for one of my manuscripts 1. The unsteady N-S equations (3a – 3d) do not quite correspond to the considered formulation of the process physics.…
Busco persona capaz de crear una grilla de contenido para redes sociales. Tiene que saber manejar canvas, Photoshop, publicar en redes sociales y crear el Contenido. Las publicaciones serán Facebook…
Tenho cerca de 116 páginas de um diretório on-line que eu preciso para transferir para uma planilha do Excel. Aproximadamente 2300 entradas. Por favor
I am building a crosschain system between avalanche and ethereum. Looking for a developer who can help me by using chainBridge.
hello I’m interested in telecommunications networks access via Sigtran(SS7) to make HLR lookups requests perform geo location of cell phones . i need direc access only to send MAP messages…
Contemporary art trends: How technology is changing the art world and digital art market.
Must have cold calling experience with circle prospecting and expired listings. English Accent preferred Great work ethic Pay negotiable 6-8 hours a day / 5 days a week VOIP dialer…
I have an architectural building plan which needs few changes to the design plan