hello would you please help me with my project in machine learning programming type IQIQIQIQ first of your suggestions so I can find robots
hello Looking for a smart contract to instantly buy when liquidity gets added. I want it to be able to buy in same block as liquidity. thanks. Send me proof…
Модель предоставить 25-27.08.2021 (старт 23.08.2021). Актуально до 23го включительно. Пожалуйста цену укажите за каждый пункт в отдельности. Требуется: 1)Модель таунхауса с раскладкой по материалов. Только 3д макс. Исходник dwg. 2)Модель…
I require a Virtual Assistant for the following tasks: Keep track of my calendar Keep track of important communications. I will share those with him/her. Proofreading of some documents. Some…
Hi. I need someone to add, and edit Moodle to be functioning on my website. Not just install the plugin, but edit the plugin so that it functions correctly. You…
i want to download backup for my site use ssh by actual developer , angular expert or react developer site use ssh on my own server
I’m hiring a team of 10 writers to create articles for a personal finance/investment blog. Right now, the site is fairly new, but I’m eager to build the blog into…
I need one short extract data from same page website Example: Name: Number: … Picture have show Invalid Authentication Code, this is what i need to extract
Qué tal amigos necesito un traductor con experiencia que realice un doblaje de calidad para este libro al inglés https://amzn.to/2C8Mi8J el cual pueden descargar gratuitamente desde Amazon. Descargar el libro…
1) When you go to payment portal and try to go back it glitches 2) adding product variants is done in a very rubbish way, need to fix that and…
API Pixel setup for Indiegogo Pre Campaign. Connect my Facebook pixel to my Indiegogo campaign.
This is a simple job if you have done something very similar before. The last two freelancer tried but could not make the pixel work. I need to know where…
The logo with just the water drop is to be re-sized for both Facebook and instagram profile picture, the logo with the text is to be re-sized for Facebook time-line…