Necesitamos que los tipos de actividades sean, crusigramas, laberintos, sopa de letras, concentrese, rompecabezas, etc… nosotros incluimos la tematica, necesitamos que nos deje crear las clases que querramos, necesitamos que…
Build small Web React following the MongoDB Realm Web SDK documentation and add a payment gateway (( Español / Ingles ))
(((Read well and don’t ask me about the budget since I already established it and if you are interested send me a message asking about the interface design [[ The…
I want a perfect writer to write a article
PLEASE NOTE: HERE IS THE task ——————————————————- These commands do not work in a script – something like this in bash would be a great test – can you help…
I need a new website. I need you to design and build my personal website.
Hello, I need English proofreading for the text attached, 3500 words. The text was written in good English but not from a native speaker. Few improvements should
Hello, I need English proofreading for the text attached, 3500 words. The text was written in good English but not from a native speaker. Few improvements should
I have an event app, and I want to add some features to the app and add another language “Arabic” to the user interface, and I need the app to…
Looking for a website designer to work on a fun academic website for me. It will be a simple website with 4-5 tabs. I anticipate that it will have the…
All together Website & ANDROID APP Later Ios App. If it’s Already developed well and good.
For SEO purposes I’d need to server side render ReactInstantsearch in a website based on laravel…