Solar Facebook ads can generate 1 lead every day with a minimum of $26/daily Ad budget for target Location -any State in USA
I need a logo designer to design a logo for my household shipping company with a clear details present in that logo.
Would like to have Google Cloud VM (Debian OS) experts to help on below setup with automation scripts / guidelines. 1. WordPress site / plugin development source code management on…
I want a hidden object game developed around a mystery book I’ve written that publishes in February. There would ideally be five scenes.
I want scrap website all products. I want demo first. Category sub category 1,sub category 2, product, description, price, product image URL
I am looking for wordpress developer along with Shopify experience.
Tengo un dataset de imagenes en RGB. Son mapas NDVI. Se debe aplicar almenos 2 algoritmos de sementación de imagenes para comparar su desempeño. Insumos: * Dataset de imagenes NDVI…
Creacion de minitutoriales y mas sobre una app, como registrarse, pedir a domicilio, registrar los restaurantes a la app
ecommerce website name should be small/simple/memorable/meaningful……if possible name should start from letter M/N/R/P…………suggestions from other letter are also acceptable….domain should also be available against that names..
Writers wanted to publish 1 article per hour working 8 hour days. $5 per hour.