I have written a book (poetry collection) and would like illustrations on some of the poems and a cover for the book
Hello Everyone, I will need an experienced C++ developer to implement a specific basic word processor in Code::Blocks environment. Step-by-step instructions will be sent on chat. Budget: $54 USD Best…
I want a Website somewhat like Wikipedia (but not exactly). Where the website would ask for some data input from the user to show relevant information from the database to…
Hello, I need English proofreading for the text attached, 3500 words. The text was written in good English but not from a native speaker. Few improvements should
Hello, I need English proofreading for the text attached, 3500 words. The text was written in good English but not from a native speaker. Few improvements should
¿Eres experto/a en gestión de personas difíciles y quieres generar ingresos recurrentes con tu conocimiento? ¿Te apasiona la formación online? Hola, somos una agencia de marketing digital y creamos productos…
I need someone to help me to fill out the form needed to process my video to advertise on the YouTube platform. It should only take half an hour of…
Hi there, I’m Marco Politi CEO of swoee.com a comparison website for professional extreme sports equipment. We are looking for someone who would be able to be a brand manager…
Only for centers not individuals. Lead Generation Process. Payout-15$ per lead Payout Cycle- Weekly NO DDV provided Just a lead generation process no sale targets. Minimum 5 seats required. No…
We are looking for someone to create high quality content for our Amazon listings. Must have strong experience with A+ content to be considered for the job. Listing are for…
Hello Everyone, Good Evening. I am Sandeep Kumar, Founder of CUBIC TECHNICAL. we are looking for regular website developer who can do work with us in his/her free time. current…
we need someone to check our website for all of the bugs that could happen and fix them all of there is any