Hi, I run two different services online but I am planning to have a single whatsapp number for both – for this I require a profile photo. However, I intend…
I have start up idea and i am backend developer. I need someone to join my startup as a frontend developer. Please chat me if you interested. It can be…
Desarrollar un prroyecto web WP Elementor Pro , de alta calidad visual y a entregar de forma profesional en tiempo y forma. Para más detalles, contactar por privado.
Hola buenas tardes, necesito un locutor en español neutro o español de argentina, para armar un guion para un video. el video es de 40 segundos, yo pasaria el texto…
We need to translate a set of documents describing a novel computer technology for the general audience. The set ranges in difficulty from app descriptions (general audience) to a white…
Si quieres ganar dinero por Internet tienes que escribirme tengo una oferta de 25 dolares al mes
O quarto tem medida de 2,46 de largura por 3 metros de comprimento. Pé direito de 2,40. Preciso de uma beliche com cama de casal embaixo e solteiro em cima.…
We are doing a series of childrens books. The books are mostly done but need to be cleaned up. We are using Affinity Publisher for our book editing (competitor to…
Need someone how can add airdrop function to my existed smart contract project. Best regards
Hi, My name is Asad . I am looking for a WordPress plugin developer to develop a Real Estate Booking Plugin. Below are the basis information of the features of…
Hello, I need English proofreading for the text attached, 3500 words. The text was written in good English but not from a native speaker. Few improvements should