Hello everyone, We are a translation company looking forward to hire employees to do some translation for us, and we are looking forward to employ only native Translators so you…
I want freelancers that are good in advancements of prototype retyping, basically for articles and contents
Need help with website development for proof of concept. I have page mockup in Adobe XD file. Site is for a mobile app that records audio & posts audio files…
Flemish transcription project (native Flemish speakers only)! We are looking for an individual to complete this transcript (no agencies/outsourcers). 60-minute audio file of a business conversation in interview format (2-3…
Hi Programmatis, I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.
Hi, I have a ecommerce website selling pocket watches and need mentoring to make it successful. I currently have made a 80 article Steampunk pocket watch blog and getting some…
This is an urgent task , so please bid only if you can start right now and have thigns done asap. Here is the View: https://bit.ly/3kqZCer I have already added…
Necesito la construcción de la pagina web en español, ingles y portugués, para empresa de servicios financieros. algo como estas paginas. https://aimdeutschlandgmbh.com/ Landing Page Bank Guarantee colores corporativos azul y…
This is reference style for my project : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F49wKeSuSJY Budget : $120 Duration : 5 minutes Script and voice over, I can provide you. Don’t waste time in chat!
I want to hire a website technical support team on an ongoing, monthly basis to be available for 24/7 website monitoring. This team will need to be available to quickly…
A freelancer is required to write a research paper(2000 Words) for a business topic, more info will be provided after agreement.
I need to add some images , categories blocks and product slider on home page . Graphics is ready . Add some plugins and setup. Email template edition Remove unnecessary…