I am looking for who has written on Ginseng roots and flowers. Native English language must…..
I need whatsapp numbers only for specific niche markets for example Restaurants, Estate Agents etc. These numbers must be valid and must be from South Africa only
Problem happened when I moved a wordpress instalation from my hosting company to wp engine I must haved changed wrong dns line or something else have happened but somehow I…
Looking for someone to Re-write / Edit English simple short article. (Around 300 word per re-write) 2 to 3 re-writes per week.
Rewrite – Proofreading for an Rewrite – Proofreading for an arugrment
Hello I need someone who can paint something for me. So I got the idea when I saw this project on Behance: https://www.behance.net/gallery/31375739/Mohit-Sharma-Digital-Art-GTA-5-Style?tracking_source=search_projects_recommended%7Cgta%205 I want something like that. Megan Fox…
I need to design a new logo for construction company name domes
Do not bid if you cannot begin working immediaely. Need 3d printing price calculator like this built.. https://craftcloud3d.com/upload Frontend: 3D File is uploaded User select measurement of the design MM,…
Hi! Need to collaborate with an Adobe After Effects expert to perform video editing. This is a small ongoing project. Figure a few hours here and there. I will supply…
I have a PDF that needs to be type in order to replace/edit some text. I will need 2 files edited.