Users who sign up for the service are able to log in to their account via a web page, manage own account (change display name / change password), administer own…
as above, private msg me to discuss
WordPress site for users to post rides looking for passengers, and passengers looking for a ride. Users set-up profile for dating connections. Also calendar of events for posting. Please send…
For a comix project, need an experienced illustrator, that could sketch a face in a convincing way, for the main character. In order to get the job, you will need…
You will have to provide any proof of RPG games made. The game will not be a 5k dollars game, in fact if you want to do this job you…
Social Media Management I Virtual Assistant
The developer needs to write the code in QT c++ or NODEJS or JS and Draw 10k Nodes in a canvas with Pan and Zoom and other functionalisties that will…
Urgent!!! Norwegian and Finnish speakers needed for an audio transcription project Loft 2.0. Norwegian language 80 USD/audio hour Finnish language 80 USD/audio hour
I have a website built on WP and I need to integrate it with my Kartra as a sub domain (my domain from GoDaady). I need your help to setup.…
Hai looking for laravel developers for our CRM project min 3 to 5 years experience ., its long term project .
want to create a freefire mod which will feature headshot esp line etc.