Looking for pay structure and legal documents of giving away 50 percent of a business to partner.
Request details I need to build a woo commerce site that sells both physical and virtual products. The products require that I collect information and documents from the customer. Some…
Looking to add marketplace feature in an existing Ionic/React application, backend with Laravel
I need people to type fast. 30 per page. Has a total of 200 pages. Must be completed within 10 days.
Must be able to replicate a pretend text chat as a video. include sound effects, button noises, send swooshes etc 100 videos to be created, about two to three minutes…
Technical Essay writing on MPLS, Infiniband, Ethernet or Wireless Networks (including WiFi, Bluetooth, LTE, LTE Advanced and 5G/6G) for business purposes
Technical Essay writing on MPLS, Infiniband, Ethernet or Wireless Networks (including WiFi, Bluetooth, LTE, LTE Advanced and 5G/6G) for business purposes
Public Health Policy Researcher – consultant search (English/Japanese proficiency required for this particular search) Policy Wisdom, LLC is a global health policy consulting company, established in 2010 with the goal…
Hej! Vi söker någon svensktalande för att skriva om integritetspolicy och Allmänna villkor till en hemsida.
Desenvolvimento de um frontend como um saas em Reactjs + Typescrypt. Paginas -> home, contato, cadastro, meus dados, cadastro e edição de produto, segurança, cadastro e edição de licenças do…
We are No Dem Left Behind, a PAC that endorses Democrat candidates in primarily red states. We need help with ad placement and other campaign related marketing tasks. Must be…
I need to develop an Nft minting website on Ethereum blockchain.