Es un juego RPG donde el personaje principal puede tener armas ropa, atuendo, joyas, bestias, subir de rango en estrellas. Todo se consigue a base de fragmentos y eventos por…
Ocupo afinar todos los detalles mayores y menores de mi tienda.. en especial ocultar algunos campos como proveedor en la Webpage.
Will you please check – The SEO of the website, includes 177 active products. – To rank up the website ranking. Let me see your quotation.
Busco persona con experiencia en naming y branding para una nueva marca de cerveza artesanal en la ciudad de Medellín (conocimiento o posibilidad de investigación de la cultura local para…
Pyton ,twitter tweetten bilgi çekip ,kucoinde crypto alımı yapacak bot yazılımı istiyorum
Tweetterdapaylaşım olduğu zaman en kısa sürede bunu analiz edip doğru parayı borsada bulup alım yapacak bir bot yazılımı istiyorum
Kripto satın alma botu yazılımı istiyorum kucoinde çalışacak
I need a few documents translated from English to Simplified Chinese. Please give a per word quote.
We need help color correcting/brightening this photo to print on a photo card. Subjects need more adjusting than the background (which also needs some brightening). High resolution must be maintained.…
I want a professional to design a (photography gift card) for my small business, front & back using my logo and photos and specific text I need on it.