1. Take donations. 2. Pooja’s list. 3. Store management. 4. Gust house management. 5. Accounting for temple expenses. 6. Training to user on how to use the software. 7. Tech…
I have a profile page, I want to use the Laravel language, using html ajax, I have a personal picture, I want to change it as in the pictures, but…
Comparing two Englisch texts for consistency (mashine translation vs man-made translation)
Comparing two texts for consistency. One is a man-made translation and the other one is a software-based translation (machine translation). It is about 90 k words. To complete the projects…
Я розробник плагіну Issues tracker для CMS WordPress. Сторінка плагіну – https://wordpress.org/plugins/issues-tracker/ Шукаю людину на часткову зайнятість, яка б могла доналаштувати рекламну кампанію в Google Adwords (підібрати ключові слова, вибрати…
hi, I am seeing issue on API gateway and some code i wrote to log. I need expert to help in troubleshooting it
Hi, It will be just the chat sessions and you just have to answer my simple questions based on your experiences on wearing sarees for your daily life. Do you…
Develop system to solve differential equations in MATLAB for petroleum or chemical engineering student.
Please write a description of the system you would like to simulate for your final project. I am looking for a thorough description of the system, the physics, the equations…
Qué tal amigos necesito un redactor bilingüe que escriba dos pequeñas reseñas (una en español y otra en inglés) de alrededor de 600 palabras para este libro https://amzn.to/2C8Mi8J el cual…
Se debe crear un sistema contable, con modulos de compras, inventario, produccion, facturacion, etc.con tecnologias java, angular 8, server linux, ubuntu, etc.
The first requirement is you should be an Indian individual. I am seeking an eagle-eyed individual to join our editing and proofreading team. Your roles will be : 1. To…