Ez a SpeakBoard magyar szövegfelolvasĂł program “portable” kivitelben működött XP SP2 Ă©s Win7 operáciĂłs rendszeren. Valami miatt azonban a frissen installált Win7-en sem indul el többĂ©. Felvillan a statusbar-ban de…
Looking to purchase a creation of the shop-like website. The website will be comprised of two parts: First one is the showcase with all the listings for the customer to…
I need to have access of KUCOIN Exchange and Binance Exchange using javascript code in html like placing order, getting details of executed orders and other . Basically using this…
I have module writen for WHMCS 7 and php 5.6 now i migrate to WHMCS 8.3.2 with php 7.3+ need to fix module to work with WHMCS 8.3+ and php…
Hi there, We are a Digital Marketing agency. We’re looking for an expert dedicated staff who will help us to handle our project from A – Z. You need to…
I have a physical prototype of a flower (see attached file). Nothing digital at this time. I want to have the flow made using 3D Printer. The flower is 1…
I am looking for someone who has a strong expertise in simulating in Aspen Hysys V10, the task includes simulation of a steam reformer and methanol loop
Create an rds instance to add a user into terraform
Hello, We have a WP KB theme, we need someone who can build the KB articles from the .md format files available on github. You will also be required to…
We are an Indian start up in the Sustainability space. We are looking for a freelance content writer who can write 400 word well-researched articles on common sustainability related issues.…
The bot shouldn’t be running on its own.. it is supposed to do what the user asks it to do ( C1-C9 in task 1) check Files for code