YOU SHOULD HAVE EXPERIENCE IN THIS FIELD. DON’T SPAM WITH PROPOSALS IF YOU DON’T HAVE ENOUGH EXPERIENCE *Looking for an absolute expert and price is negotiable depending on what you…
Vous êtes architecte ou architecte d’interieurpassionné par le design et par la décoration d’intérieur. Vous maitrisez les logiciels de 2D et de 3D,vous avez un min. d’expérience en showroom de…
You need to show me your previous work for this project , fresh developer are welcome for this project.
We are looking for content writers to produce content for our blog on an ongoing basis. Article titles will be provided but you will need to research the topic and…
E-commerce integration & affiliate 4 to 5 pages WordPress Web hosting Create Mockup designs for us first
≥Mac4less Home page: 1) Language Selector 2) On the top of the website, you can see 3) USD, CNY and Euro selector 4) Scrolling banners going from left to right,…
10 slides to be done from WORD file attached, required to be done within 12 hours.
Im expert in list making for your attendence calculation and Project so any one who want plz hire me
I need a complete layout plan interior and exterior design for first floor of existing structure. Already there are 3 shops built in 1.66marla area. Almost 375 square feet area.…
We are a supermarket selling groceries using Epos Now software on windows 10. Eposnow currently does not have an app or feature which allows the desktop software to have a…