will start with small task, shouldnt take more thn 30 min
1) need to fix banner on mobile ..currently is offset on certain browsers and different phone types (iphone 13 for example. I attached a image of what is happening) 2)…
Hello All, i need to build unity vuforia cloud target project with tracking image and play a video from cloud . example : and build it for android and IOS…
We are looking for Technical content writer who can do research on Translation Industry specific topics and can publish around 2000 words content on 8 different topics (250 words each).…
Hello We have delivery app created by FLUTTER. We are currently in need to integrate 3rd party SATNAV. 1. We have tried MapBox for Flutter (solution from github) but no…
Quiero crear un negocio e línea para instalación y monitoreo de alarmas y cámaras de seguridad.
I have some university assignment and I need someone’s knowledge at electrical machines to help me out with it. Topics are: – 3-phase transformer – 3-phase induction motor – induction…
looking for someone who can customize web app
create a binance exchange with these features an improve version of this Admin Panel: http://zodeakxadmin.cryptocurrencyscript.com/ Username: zodeakx@ gmail.com Password: Qwerty#33 Front End: http://zodeakx.cryptocurrencyscript.com/#/ some additional info on the admin panel…
We have created a nuxt.js/ vue.js PWA but we are facing maintenance and update problems so we would like to migrate this to a Shopware ready VUE based store front…
Necesito digitalizar una floristería, con todo su plan de marketing y su estructura en las areas como… – Seo – SEM – Email M. – Diseño web – Estrategia M.…