I have application done with C# need to give modern look for UI, https://www.google.com/search?q=modern+ui+design+c%23&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ALeKk01njk3405vACn8PLAK-JH9Am4zJtA:1606602573390&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=yv_aeJrTgrgJ7M%252CsMCVyz67EPQKRM%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kT__Zo3Um2qujTv0y-XPc4eBMxhTg&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjnhbr9pKbtAhXcFFkFHU8WDHQQ9QF6BAgRED4#imgrc=yv_aeJrTgrgJ7M
i need a professional that can develop a full functioning online sport betting website with full functions add you potfolio
Hi I need a good programmer who can create Time Tracking software such as ActiveTrack, Hubstaff, etc
We have a module for prestashop 1.7.* this is a module to synchronize the stock of the stores. In our case we need to have the same stock of products…
I wanted a builded website like https://www.jjeditzofficial.ml/ rates are more higher anyone who can do it for me had a very big rate for it.
Web development: Python (Multithreading, Flask/django), PHP, MYSQL/postgresql/mariadb, Javascript, Angular/Vue/React, API, Microservices, Event Streaming, Authentication/Authorization, monitoring, troubleshoot in production, Unit testing Good to have: OWASP security, 12 factor app, GIT or…
1. I have a PHP script, it’s classified, it don’t have an edit function from the admin and user side in order classified reedit by admin or user side… 2.…
Estamos necesitando un sistema ERP desarrollado en JAVA que use base de datos Maria o PostgreSql y funcionar en ambiente WEB. Debe contemplar los módulos de Contabilidad, bancos, activos fijos,…
Build marketplace website and app (AWS, ionic, node.js, Graph QL, javascript, REACT experience necessary)
Hi there, We have the wireframes ready for our new marketplace and would now like to build it. Front end – REACT Back end – node.js Infrastructure – AWS Database…