a web application that allows the user to login and fill in simple form
I have designed a website using PHPmaker on a local Wamp server, there is 3 parts to the project. 1) Transfer local to host where I am having difficulties, 2)…
Inventory Management API need to be developed in Java Spring Boot
i want someone who can do Tecdoc WordPress Commerce integration for my website with tecdoc API
I have already a project , i want to redesign my home page, product page. 1. Fully redesign of that website home page. 2. Set up add to cart and…
you need to develop a MapReduce algorithm to merge a NoSQL dataset and SQL dataset
Delivery app :- When the user click to buy the product…nearby delivery boy should get an alert in such radius.
when the user buy some product so the nearby delivery boy should get an alert
I have a Social Media Exchange website. It takes a person to fix the bugs. similar to like4like.org . 1- Set up a scoring process to confirm a Like, Subs,…
implement LINE Notification alert order (ecommerce website) to LINE pls bid only u hav expiereince LINE API You just develop as sample getting value from DB and then send to…
want to develop a datiang application and developer will be a permanent developer