Greetings. Looking for developer that knows API using python. (MUST SPEAK FLUENT ENGLISH) THIS WILL BE ON GOING JOB.
Set up Twilio account to provide automated OTP Two-Step Authorization using JavaScript Script
We’re looking to get an experienced developer who can help us to set up Twilio account for OTP Two-Step Authorization. Please check this git repo. Currently, we have Twilio…
I need a cover letter about myself for the company I work for.
Hello. We do work for several clients where for now we need a talented NFT developer who can build websites as well as contracts. More information will be talked about…
requiero crear sitio web con opciones para comercio y posisionamiento en redes sociales
Lets keep it short and simple, I need someone who can brainstorm and come up with great business name ideas (Brand Naming). Will hire for long term as i have…
Se necesita persona que tenga conocimiento y manejo del idioma español e inglés. ES DE SUMA RELEVANCIA QUE esté capacitado en los siguientes programas: – Plataforma de diseño Genially: este…
I need a concept site plan and storm water management plans to Prince George’s county specifications. Checklists from the County website. Must be able to download topo from PGATLAS.COM or…
Bidding a job to raise roof line same as rest of house the same as the rest of the house, Add roof over Bay window.
I need an excel spreadsheet to interpret data for me. I run a report from a database and I need the excel sheet to sort the data by the office…
I have a project in which you need to search recursively. More details provide in chat